Hard Seltzer

Low sugar, big flavour hard seltzer, made in Kamloops, BC.

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In 2022 Shannon and the team set out to create our own recipe for Seltzers that are clean, sparkling and delicious.

We wanted to create a bolder flavour than in the seltzers you can buy commercially. Each seltzer is made to order with natural flavour, so we can modify with more or less flavour to make it exactly how you like it.

 Because your seltzer doesn't have to travel far we use a lot less preservatives than those you buy from the liquor store - better for your body!

And with us you don't have to pay any liquor tax. This means that our price is lower than the liquor store and you get to play a fun part in the process too.

How to Make Your Seltzer

Step 1 - Choose Your Seltzer

Choose your Seltzer flavour! Each batch makes for 65 cans of seltzer.

Step 2 - Pitch the Yeast

Come into store to pay for your seltzer and pitch the yeast. Although only taking a few seconds, this is the most important step in making your seltzer with us and is a legal requirement. Sprinkling the yeast is what starts the process, so enjoy the moment! 

Step 3 - Let Us Do The Work

Your seltzer will be ready in 2 weeks. During this time, you can sit back and relax while we do the rest.

Step 4 - Call to Make an Appointment to Bottle

When you are ready, and the "due date" for you seltzer is coming up or already past, simply call us to make an appointment to bottle. We need minimum two days notice!

If you intend to use cans we will provide these on the day. If you would like to use bottles you can use any that you have already, simply rinse them out after drinking and bring them with you on the bottling day. If you do not have any bottles at home, you are welcome to buy bottles from us on the day.

Step 5 - Can or Bottle your Seltzer

On your appointment day, come in to can or bottle your seltzer! If it is your first time, or if you need a refresher, our friendly team will lead you through the entire process.

It is best practice to sanitize your bottles prior to bottling If you do not have a method of doing this at home, we have manual hand pump sanitizers that are free to use (takes around 10 minutes), or a sanitizing machine that automatically sanitizes your bottles in 2 minutes. If you are using cans, you need to do no work!

Bottling itself is a very easy process, whether you bottle into plastic bottles, glass bottles or cans. The whole process takes approximately 45 mins per batch!

Step 6 - Store Your Seltzer

After bottling, take your seltzer straight home to store until you are ready to enjoy it!

The seltzer made at BA Brewmaster has less preservatives than commercial equivalents, which has many advantages for the consumer, but means that your cider needs to be stored in a cool dark place. The ideal temperature is between 7°C-13°C (45°F-55°F), however cool garages and basements will be okay so long as they do not reach above 20°C (68°F).

The seltzers can be enjoyed straight away and do not require aging!

Step 7 - Enjoy!

The easiest step of all - enjoy!!!

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This means that if you try your seltzer and it simply does not suit your taste, all you need to do is let us know and return your full bottles or cans. We will add a credit to your account and you can make another batch to find something that suits your taste. If still, you are unhappy, we will refund you entirely. This is how sure we are that you will enjoy our seltzers.

For more information on our Guarantee, please click here.

Hard Seltzers

Ready in 2 weeks | 23L | 65 Cans*

Less than 1% residual sugar. 6% alcohol

Use your own bottles - $120

or buy re-usable bottles from us

for 23L Seltzer

In Cans - $141

65 cans provided by us

non-reusable but recylable

all prices including tax

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Seltzer Flavours

Orange & Mango Seltzer BA Brewmaster

Orange & Mango

BA Watermelon Hard Seltzer BA Brewmaster


Raspberry Hard Seltzer BA


Peach Seltzer BA Brewmaster



Seltzer Blackberry Website


BA Hard Seltzer Lime


BA Hard Seltzer Pink Grapefruit

Pink Grapefruit

Seltzer Cocktails

Ready in 2 Weeks

Please note our seltzer cocktails use real fruit juice - if you are looking for less than 1% residual sugar please choose our classic seltzers!

Margarita Seltzer

$140 for 23L ($161 with cans)

Inspired by the classic cocktail, our margarita seltzer is a 6% seltzer with lime, slight triple sec (citrus) flavour and optional salt. Add Tequila if you would like to - usually a 26oz (750ml) will give it a good kick! Off-Dry!

Mango Juicer

$160 for 23L ($181 with cans)

Delicious mango juice and a slight shot of lemon makes this seltzer sooo refreshing in the heat! 6% alcohol. A great shout if you are a mango or tropical fan. Huge thanks to Fiona for inspiring us to make this one. Off Dry/Sweet!

Raspberry Sour Seltzer

$160 for 23L ($181 with cans)

A request for the Blackfly Vodka Sour brought us to this one. Juicy and tart raspberry juice with a slight souring, pouring a bright pink and 6% alcohol. Add vodka if you wish! Off-Dry

Grapefruit Greyhound

$160 for 23L ($181 with cans)

A seltzer cocktail with a base of Grapefruit juice! Add salt to turn it into a salty dog. Off-Dry/Sweet! 

Canning & Bottling

You are welcome to bring in your own glass or plastic bottles, or buy reusable bottles or recyclable cans from us:

Cans Sparkling
Glass 355ml Sparkling
plastic bottles Sparkling
plastic Sparkling
Glass 650ml Sparkling
Sparkling Bottles1

Custom Labels

We have the ability to design and print labels for bottles of wine, beer, cider, seltzer, spritzers, mead, or anything made with us or by you at home!

BA Hard Seltzer Flavours